● Pay My Water Bill
● How to Check for Leaks
● Reading Your Water Meter
● Board meeting for PUD Board is the second Tuesday of each month 4 PM at The East Aldine District Office ,5333 Aldine Mail Route, Houston

​* Augustine Rodriguez - President * Megan Latour - Vice President * ​​Anangela Gonzalez - Treasurer * 

January - December 2022

​​​​​​​​Board Meeting Minutes


​​The Board meeting Agenda will be updated closer to the date of the next board meeting.

The items for discussion for the Executive Session may included: personnel, litigation, contract negotiations, enforcement actions, confidential communications with the association attorney ,matters involving invasion of privacy and other matters that are confidential by requested party.

Board Meeting

Next Board meeting will be on May 14th. Information to the meeting will be sent out to the homeowners.

Community Page

North East Pine  Village  

Homeowners Association

Houston, Texas 77039 

​​​​​​​​Monthly Financials

Pine Village North Board Members

Pine Village P.U.D.
Pine Village P.U.D services the following:

Insurance and Maintenance Responsibilities to Owners

Please remember, per the Section 6 and Section 7.00 of  Rules and Regulations , Exhibit I , Third  Supplemental Affidavit of Property's Owners ' Association Pursuant To The Texas Property Code 202.006, All Owners are responsible for insuring his or her town home structure and personal belongings, both in the town home unit and garage. In the event that the need for maintenance or repair is caused through the willful or negligent act of the Owner..., the cost of such maintenance or repairs shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which such Building Plot is subject.  To view the entire Section 6.00 - Insurance  and Section 7.00 Maintenance please see Third  Supplemental Affidavit of Property's Owners ' Association Pursuant To The Texas Property Code 202.006  under the  Regulations / Forms tab.

● Water Softeners
● Report a Leak
● Responsibility for Service

For Your Information!

2023 Financials

​2024 Financials

Dispatch 713-221-6000

Aldine Storefront 281-449-6600



713-595-1232 or 713595-1220

East Aldine District